Inter-School Patriotic Song Singing Competition

Inter-School Patriotic Song Singing Competition

Mysore West Sevaniketan School recently hosted a vibrant Inter-School Patriotic Song Singing Competition, a heartfelt celebration of nationalism and unity. The event brought together talented students from various schools, each performing with passion and pride, creating an atmosphere filled with a deep sense of patriotism.

The highlight of the event was the presence of Chief Guest L. Ali Wagh, whose inspiring address resonated with the audience. His words of encouragement and pride in the students’ efforts added a significant layer of meaning to the celebration, emphasizing the importance of upholding our nation’s values.

This competition was more than just a display of musical talent; it was a powerful tribute to our shared national identity. The event left a lasting impression on all who attended, reinforcing the spirit of unity and pride that defines us as a nation.